Physical humans are the only ones
in all of the Universe
that believe in lack.
Lack doesn’t exist.
But physical beings
have managed to vibrate
in a way where
they hold themselves apart
from things they want.
So they conclude
there is this thing called lack.
And we say,
“It doesn’t really exist
in any other reality."

And so,
there’s a little bit of that
within this question.
“What is it
that’s not going to be there
for me later
that I’ve got to do
a lot of here while I can?”
There is nothing
in the Non-physical Universe
that is lacking anything
that you would desire.

Anything that you ever want
is there for you,
and we have a bulletin for you, friends,
it’s the same here
in your physical setting.
You need never be without
anything you want.
You want more clarity?
Align with the idea of it.
You want more wellness?
Align with the idea of it.
You want more money?
Align with the idea of it.
You must find the feeling place
of what you want
and offer a vibration about it,
and then it must come.
By Law, it must come to you.
