
There Are Enough Resources For Everyone

...if you have the ability to define it as a desire,
this time/space reality, in which you are focused,
has the ability to yield it to you...

Guest: I'm trying to understand greed.
There are all kinds of statistics that are batted around
about 5% of the population of the world
98% of the world's resources...

Abraham: Here's the thing.
We would quarrel with it a little bit,
but let's accept that it's an accurate statistic.

You're really going to like this:

If 6% of the population were wanting to receive like 5% does,

then the resources would expand to accommodate 6%.

If 10% of them wanted to receive like the 5% does,
the resources would expand to accommodate 10%.

If 100% of the population of your planet wanted to live
like the 5% have already decided that they do,

...the resources of your planet would expand
to accommodate 100%.

So it isn't that the 5% are squandering the resources.
It's that they are asking for what they want -- and are getting it

And the other 95% are belly aching about it,
and holding themselves not in the receiving mode,
and, therefore -- not creating it.

There are enough resources for everyone
to have everything that they want.

So, there is really no such thing as greed?

Abraham: Most people would define greed as
taking more than I need,
or getting more than my fair share.

And we would say to you,
this is a Universe
that has infinite resources

(People quarrel with that, but it is our promise to you that
if you have the ability to define it as a desire,
this time/space reality, in which you are focused,
has the ability to yield it to you, no exceptions.)

Now, whether you're talking about money
or something else,

here's what's at the basis of the shortage thinking:

Most people have this distorted view that there's
just one pile that's being divvied out.

And if I, this rich old bugger, go with my big dump trucks
and I carry away a great big piece of the pile,
then others who show up with their wheelbarrows or tea cups
will be deprived of what they would have gotten,
because the pile would, after all,be drastically diminished
by the hoarding that I have done from my greedy perspective.

And the reason that we wanted to put it in that dramatic way
is because all of that is such hogwash.

When you ask it is always given!

But, as you do not allow yourself to receive,
nobody else gets it

When you think about physical Well-being, do you ever say,
"I've been healthy for so long,
I think I'll be sick for a few years
to let other people be well?"

You understand the resources that you would call clarity
are yours, or not,but you don't say,
"Oh, I've been so confused today,
there must be a really smart person
running around
here somewhere."

The only thing that ever holds anyone apart
from something that they want,
is that they are choosing to focus upon
the lack of what they want,
and therefore they are a vibrational match
to the lack of what they want
-- and therefore that is their reality,
that is their creation.

Here you are, on the same planet that you've been on
for more years than you have the ability to count.

And just in the last 400 years,
look at the difference in your economy.

And it's the same exact planet.

Nobody has been trucking in or piping in any resources.

There are not more resources present today.

You are just vibrationally lining up with the utilization of them.

And, oh, this planet's ability to yield to you:
you have not even scratched the surface of it.

It is a continually replenishing environment.

And you would never be able to get your planet imbalanced
by utilizing more of its resources than it could produce.

It just cannot happen.

So we would go back to your earlier question and say to you,
greed is a non-issue is an impossibility.

It is not possible for someone to get more
than their fair share.


Beyond What Is

The ability to imagine what you are wanting,
rather than only observing what is,
is what takes you beyond.

You are a physical being, but you are much more.



Vibrating Abundance

Question: Is my scarcity caused by my feeling a resistance to receiving abundance?

Abraham: If it feels like discouragement, fear, uneasiness, frustration, if it feels like anger—that’s what it means. That scarcity feeling has all those feelings wrapped through it. They are all indicators of some resistance within you.

What those feelings are actually saying is, “Ah, as I’m feeling this thing that I’m calling scarcity, I’m a vibrational mismatch to the abundance that I want. I want abundance, but I’m not vibrating there. So as I reach for the thought that feels better, reach for the thought that feels better… so that those negative emotions subside, now I’m no longer resisting. I’m allowing. I’ve lined up the Energy within me.”

Once the manifestations start coming in response, it gets easier and easier and easier. Now it’s easier to hold yourself in that good feeling place because you have more things of an appreciative nature surrounding you. Your second million will come much faster than your first, because as you get comfortable with the feeling of the first, the second is natural. And the third and fourth.

Esther heard a very wealthy man, Ted Turner, saying,
“The world is awash in money.” And he knew it as he spoke it.
It is his experience, everywhere he turns.
He gave a billion dollars to the United Nations.
Money is flowing to him and through him, more than he could ever, in this lifetime and a hundred others, figure out what to do with on a personal basis.

“The world is awash in money!” And as Esther heard him say that, she knew he knew that. And she thought, “I know that, too. He knows it so clearly, that now I know it.” It was something about the intensity with which he spoke it, that, in that moment, Esther knew it. And then, for the next month, she must have said that to Jerry 5,000 times. “The world is awash in money.” It was a titillating thought to her, because she, like you, had seen where so many people had pinched themselves off from Well-being, that she’d come to believe that the world was not awash in money. She had come to believe that only a few had it, and they had it stashed back there somewhere where others could not get it. She thought that there was a lopsided thing…

The world is awash in money! Do you hear what that means? It is awash in money. It is flowing for everyone. It is like Niagara Falls. And most of you are showing up with your teaspoons.

Your economy has always been about, the exchange of human energy: As contrast produces a new idea within any human consciousness, the Non-physical Energy to supply it flows forth. The economy expands proportionate to the idea. There is no shortage of anything.

Those who believe there is shortage, hold themselves over in this place where they disallow the Energy from flowing to them. And so, in their resistance, they have it not. And then they say, “I am proof that there is shortage. And that man over there that is awash in money is the reason I don’t have any.” He has nothing to do with your shortage. He is evidence that there is an abundance.



A Powerful Place

It is extremely helpful for you
to use the
Segment Intending Process
to evoke the best
from others.

If you expect them to be brilliant and helpful,
you will attract that from them.

If you have spent some time
bringing your thoughts to a powerful place
before your physical meeting,
you will have a much more satisfying
for yourself, and for them.
