
time, space obsolete

Time, Space Obsolete in New View of Universe

Many physicists are embracing a revolutionary, still mysterious idea called string theory.
The concept rejects several familiar notions and includes the existence of 11 dimensions.

By K.C. COLE, Times Science Writer

Ever since early astronomers yanked Earth from center stage in the solar system some 500 years ago, scientists have been pulling the rug out from under people's basic beliefs.

"The history of physics," says Harvard physicist Andrew Strominger, "is the history of giving up cherished ideas."

No idea has been harder to give up, however--for physicists and laypeople alike--than everyday notions of space and time, the fundamental "where" and "when" of the universe and everything in it.

Einstein's unsettling insights more than 80 years ago showed that static space and fixed time were flimsy facades, thinly veiling a cosmos where seconds and meters ooze like mud and the rubbery fabric of space-time warps into an unseen fourth dimension.

About the same time, the new "quantum mechanical" understanding of the atom revealed that space and time are inherently jittery and uncertain.

Now, some physicists are taking this revolutionary line of thinking one step further: If their theories are right, in the words of Edward Witten of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, space and time may be "doomed."

Concurs physicist Nathan Seiberg, also of the institute: "I am almost certain that space and time are illusions. These are primitive notions that will be replaced by something more sophisticated."

That conclusion may not affect anyone's morning commute. But it is rocking the foundations of physics--as well as causing metaphysical reverberations that inevitably follow major changes in our fundamental understanding of how the universe works.

The impetus behind this tumult is an idea that has become increasingly dominant in modern physics: string theory. According to string theory, the most basic ingredients in the universe are no longer point-like particles, the familiar electrons and quarks. Instead, they are unimaginably small vibrating strings of some unknown fundamental stuff.

String theory suggests that different configurations of strings produce different harmonic chords--just as a piano produces a sound different from that of a flute. The vibrating string gives rise to the particles, and the way the string vibrates determines each particle's properties. This all takes place in a convoluted landscape of 11-dimensional space.

It is a concept so strange that even theoretical physicists struggle to understand it. String theory offers a universe bizarre beyond imagining: Under powerful enough magnification, every known particle in the universe would resemble a complex origami folded out of sheets or strings of the three familiar spatial dimensions, plus one dimension of time, plus seven extra dimensions of space.

While string theory is far from proven, or even well formulated, its consequences would be enormous. Among other things, it would:
* Reshape fundamental notions of space and time, energy and matter, expanding the number of dimensions to 11.
* Give the first comprehensive list of all the ingredients that make up the universe.
* Reveal that every tick of a clock, every barking dog, every dying star, can be described by one master mathematical equation.

Being Involved in a 'Scientific Revolution'

Which practical fruits will flow from the new view of the universe remain unknown. But in the past, fundamental revolutions in physics have--against everyone's wildest expectations--flowered into everything from cell phones to brain scans.

"I've been in physics for 35 years, and this is the first time I've felt I'm involved in a scientific revolution," said Stanford physicist Leonard Susskind.
"In the last five or six years, I really have the feeling we're doing something as crazy, as interesting, as new as the revolution that Einstein wrought."

Perhaps most revolutionary of all, it appears that space and time aren't essential ingredients of a universe ruled by strings.

To grasp the extent of the current upheaval in physics, consider what has happened to our basic understanding of space and time over the past hundred years.

Until the early 20th century, scientists, like laypeople, assumed that space and time were fixed--like huge, metaphysical clocks and rulers in the firmament.
Objects that moved in this unchanging background could be pinned down to definite positions.

"Everything was where it was when it was supposed to be, and that was all there was to it," said Strominger. "Space-time was out there. You could count on it."

Then, Einstein revealed that space and time were woven into a single fabric that deforms like so much Silly Putty; indeed, it is the warping of the fabric of space-time by massive objects that produces the force of gravity.
We perceive gravity as a "force" only because we can't directly perceive the fourth dimension.

Because gravity affects everything, everything gets warped by its pervasive influence--including the clocks and rulers we use to measure time and space.

Even more unsettling, Einstein's now well-proven theories showed that the fabric of space-time, with its three dimensions of space and one of time, is not a passive backdrop for the events and objects in the universe. Space-time also creates objects and events.

Imagine the universe as a performance on a stage. The stage of space-time does not act like a static floor. It also pulls and pushes the actors around.

Quantum mechanics introduced even more uncertainty.

In the subatomic realm, the entire concept of fixed particles in time and space fuzzes out into an ever-shifting haze of probabilities. Trying to pin down a subatomic particle's location or motion is like trying to put your finger on a snowflake; the very act of measurement destroys the thing being measured.
"That means . . . space-time is an uncertain concept, so you've lost your firm footing," said Strominger.
"And that is a deep conceptual issue we have not yet come to grips with."

Now string theory appears to be propelling this evolution one drastic, perhaps inevitable, step further.

Certain approaches to string theory dispense with the notion of space-time completely. Yet, they seem to produce the same set of results as string theories with normal space and time.

To some theorists, this strongly suggests that space and time are superfluous. Space and time as fundamental concepts may be about to disappear altogether--literally pulling the floor out from under physics.

"The notion of space-time is something we've cherished for thousands of years, and it's clearly something we're going to have to give up," said Strominger.

Even before string theory enjoyed its recent successes, physicists knew they would have to grapple again with the inadequacy of our understanding of space and time. The reason is a glaring mismatch between gravity, which rules large-scale events in the cosmos, and quantum mechanics, which rules small-scale happenings.

Both gravity and quantum theory are well understood and have survived decades of experimental tests. Quantum mechanics gave rise to lasers and computers; Einstein's theory of gravity predicted everything from black holes to the bending of light by stars, insights since proved by observations.

The problem is, the two theories are mutually exclusive.
The space and time of quantum theory don't mesh with the space and time of Einstein's theory of gravity, or General Relativity.

In the language of gravity, the quantum mechanical aspects of the universe turn into gobbledygook. And vice versa.
"We can describe the world that we see and experience completely," said UC Santa Barbara physicist Sean Carroll, "but the explanations are internally inconsistent."

Some Things Don't Affect Everyday Life

Until recently, physicists found it easy to sweep this unpleasantness under the rug--in part because they didn't know how to deal with it, in part because it doesn't make a difference in our everyday lives.

The inherently uncertain behavior of subatomic particles affects only things as small as atoms, not everyday objects like chairs; the warping of space and time shapes the orbits of planets, but is too diluted to make itself felt on the scale of our own backyards.

Where the large-scale fabric of space-time gets tangled in the inner lives of atoms, however, chaos erupts; space and time fail to make sense. And increasingly, physicists find themselves face to face with situations where quantum mechanics and the extreme warping of space-time collide.

For example, physicists won't be able to understand either the innards of black holes or the origins of the universe until they come to grips with how gravity behaves at extremely small scales. Indeed, the ultimate laboratory for studying the collision of these two opposing realms is the infinitely compressed dollop of space-time that gave rise to the Big Bang.

That cataclysmic speck, physicists believe, contained everything now in our universe, so it would have packed a huge gravitational wallop. At the same time, it would have been small enough to behave according to quantum mechanical laws.
Because physicists can't study the Big Bang directly, they wind back the clock with equations and thought experiments--imagining what might happen, for example, if time really reversed.

The results are disturbing: As the universe gets smaller and smaller,
the warping of space-time gets stronger and quantum uncertainties get progressively larger.

Finally, the uncertainty becomes larger than any time interval that could possibly be measured. Measurement becomes meaningless.
Time at the first moment dissolves into nonsense.

"If you ask questions about what happened at very early times," said Harvard physicist Sidney Coleman, "and you compute the answer,
the [real] answer is: Time doesn't mean anything."

Or consider what happens inside a black hole--a region where gravity is so strong that space-time curls in on itself, in effect, shutting out the rest of the universe. Black holes are swirling pits of pure space-time.

And according to Einstein's theory, their enormous gravity causes them to collapse to an infinite point of zero size--what physicists call singularity. Is there such a nonsensical thing as infinite density packed into zero size?

"I remember puzzling about that when I was a kid," said Gary Horowitz of the Institute for Theoretical Physics at UC Santa Barbara. "I thought when I went to college I would find out the answer . . . I'm still waiting."

In the pinched-off centers of black holes, space-time appears to simply stop. "The singularity acts like an edge," said Horowitz. "You run into it, and it's the end. There's no time after that; there's no space after that. But we don't think physics should end [there]. That's why we're trying to" find new laws of physics, which will describe what happens beyond that edge.

Black holes, said Princeton physicist John Archibald Wheeler, "[teach] us that space can be crumpled like a piece of paper into an infinitesimal dot, that time can be extinguished like a blown-out flame, and that the laws of physics that we regard as 'sacred,' as immutable, are anything but."

Space, Time May Be Doomed as Concepts

String theory has emerged as the only viable candidate to reconcile the differences between gravity and quantum mechanics. It does so by eliminating the notion of infinitely small particles. The loop of string is the smallest allowable size.

"You never get to the point where the disasters happen," said Seiberg of the Institute for Advanced Study. "String theory prevents it."

But rather than rescuing space and time, string theory only seems to make their doom as fundamental concepts more imminent.

When they are incorporated into string theory, "space and time get confused," said Seiberg. "It's telling us that the traditional understanding of space and time will evaporate and there will be a more interesting and subtle result."

Some string theorists believe that space and time somehow emerged in the early universe out of the disorganized, 11-dimensional strings. The strings are "shards" of space and time, said physicist Brian Greene of Columbia University.

Imagine grains of sand on the surface of a drum. If you tap the surface over and over at the same place, the sand falls into patterns--like iron filings around a magnet.

Did space and time emerge in the same way, as resonant patterns of vibrating strings?
Trying to make sense of such an idea is a struggle even for theorists.
"String theory has been giving us a lot of clues," said Strominger, "but we haven't been able to put them together into a unified picture."

Even philosophically, the challenge of replacing space and time is daunting.
What does it mean to inhabit a spaceless, timeless universe? Clocks and rulers not only measure hours and inches; they tell us where we've been and where we're going.

"When we talk about space and time, we think there is something there, and we live in it," said David Gross, director of the Institute for Theoretical Physics. The idea that space and time might be illusions, he said, "is very disturbing.
Where are we? When are we?"

The almost unfathomable scenario of a universe without space and time in turn calls into question the very connection between cause and effect. If time can break down, how can one event be placed clearly "before" or "after" another?

Hypothetically, if there is no clear difference between now and the instant after, how can we say whether the gunshot caused death--or death caused the gunshot?

"We normally think of causality as a basic property," said Horowitz. "Something effects something else. But when you're getting rid of space and time . . . are we sure that causality is going to be preserved?"

New views of time could lead to even more bizarre consequences--for instance, more than two dimensions of time, a theory being worked on by USC physicist Itzhak Bars, among others.

Whatever the outcome of these efforts, it's clear, said Greene, that "space is undergoing a drastic rearrangement of its basic pieces; we will not understand string theory until we make a major breakthrough in notions of space and time."

If Greene and his colleagues are right, expanding the universe into 11 dimensions and looping it into strings are only the beginning.

On the horizon looms a new kind of physics, where space and time melt down completely.

"The real change that's around the corner [is] in the way we think about space and time," said Gross. "We haven't come to grips with what Einstein taught us.
But that's coming. And that will make the world around us seem much stranger than any of us can imagine."


The Favor of Hardship

...from the Field Project

When the gods want to make a poem out of a man’s life, they send him suffering. – Anonymous

Field training teaches that the reality of our world arises out of our intentions, defined as that structure of consciousness that comprises what we take to be real, and that with which we identify. Thus, for example, the belief, “I am a survivor” will fulfill itself in the manifestation of experiences for us to survive, “I am lucky” will produce its own sort of luck as efficiently as “I am unlucky” will produce the opposite, and so on. Note that it isn’t the words “I am” that spark the creative arc, but the underlying identification, the silent claim, the unspoken and perhaps even unthought assumption.

When we fail to recognize the causal role of our consciousness in a situation, when we believe that our reality happens to us rather than through us, when it seems that all the power and authority lie outside us, then we are in a state of what Field training calls “immersion” in another belief—namely, the belief that we are at the mercy of conditions, and this belief, too, tends to be self-fulfilling, until a nicely closed system is formed between the psyche and the world, and our experience continues to prove what we have assumed to be so.

From an immersed state, it may be all but impossible to recognize the great benefit, even blessing, of hardship, but things only start falling apart when they are no longer adequate to fulfill. Hinduism tells us that the nature of the Godhead is threefold, that it has three aspects: Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Sustainer, and Shiva the Destroyer, and it is important to understand that often, Shiva must do his part before Brahma can do his. An old, decrepit building must be demolished before a new one can be built on the site where the old one stood, and in just this way, psychic structures of our life that have been burdened and exhausted too long by contradiction must be torn down to open the way to fulfillment.

Before we can receive what we want, our hands must be open, and this may require that we let go of an old identity that served us once but has since become too costly. So does every rite of passage involve a wounding, the loss of a certain version of self, and a dismantling of the old reality that belonged to it.

When we are moving though moments of dismantling, when it seems that things are falling apart, and we cannot see over the next rise to the gift that is on its way to us, it can help greatly to remember that Shiva’s work is not arbitrary. He destroys to make room for the new, for Brahma, for greater life, identity, and creative self-expression. To cooperate with Shiva is the mark of an advanced student, someone who has learned to stand in the face of facts without allowing those facts to impersonate a conclusion, who knows that the better outcome always has the last word. At such times, it isn’t necessary to have heroic faith, only to be willing to let things unfold, and to refrain from agreeing with facts or thoughts that would set us against our best interests by giving ourselves to worst-case suppositions.

If contradictions try to take our resolve hostage, we remind ourselves that any path is as steady under our feet as our willingness to see it through, and remain poised no matter what the world throws at us. Florence Scovel Shinn writes, “I do not move, so the situation moves.” Far from being a bad guy, hardship gives us the opportunity to rise above where we have been and acquire a new way of being in the world. When we choose to remain poised under fire, we do not have to wait long to hear the wings of angels, for the one who overcomes the enemy within overcomes the world.


Important That I Feel Good

Concentrate on how you feel, and make a decision, “Nothing is more important than that I feel good.

“It’s so important that I feel good, that I’m going to watch specific television programs. It’s so important that I feel good, I’m going to spend more time with this good feeling friend and less time with that not so good feeling friend.

It’s so important that I feel good, I’m going to change the magazine subscriptions that I read. It’s so important that I feel good, that I’m going to ponder thoughts from my past that make me feel better and I’m not going to ponder the ones that make me feel less than good.


"...Lather still finds it a nice thing to do,
To lie about nude in the sand,
Drawing pictures of mountains that look like bumps,
And thrashing the air with his hands.

But wait, oh Lather's productive you know,
He produces the finest of sound,
Putting drumsticks on either side of his nose,
Snorting the best licks in town,..."

from the song, "Lather" ... by Jefferson Airplan


Physical Reality Springs from the Imagination

Because your imagination transcends time,
it is one of your greatest touchstones
to your own identity.

You must, of course,
be able to distinguish
between the world of imagination
and the physical world of fact
in order to be able to manipulate effectively.

But physical reality springs from the imagination,
which follows the path of your beliefs...

For more of this post,

...excerpt from
"The Nature of Personal Reality"
Psycho Cat Lady


Present in this Moment

“Allowing” means:
how much
of who I really am,
I’m allowing
by my choice of thought
to be present
in this moment

When you’re ornery,
you’re pinching some of it off.

That’s why you feel ornery.

When you’re allowing who you really are to flow, you feel good.

You feel clear. You feel sure. You feel invincible.
You feel powerful. You feel eager. You feel adventurous.
You feel kind. You feel willing. You feel compassionate.
You feel understanding.

You feel like giving others
the benefit of the doubt.


The Secret to Life

"Become a person who appreciates,
... and you will thrive."

That is the secret to life.



The Power of the Universe Inside You

Every individual's consciousness is connected to,
and is a part of,
the mass consciousness.

When a small but significant number of individuals
have moved into a new level of awareness
and significantly changed their behavior,
that change is felt in the entire mass consciousness.

Every other individual is then moved
in the direction of that change.
And the whole thing may have started
with one individual who first made the leap.

So often we look at the world around us and feel terribly helpless to effect any significant positive change.
The world seems so big, and in such a mess,
and we feel so small
and powerless.

The hundredth-monkey story helps us to see how powerful one individual or a few individuals can be in transforming the world.

Because the world
truly is our mirror,
as we change, it must change.

You can see this easily
in your personal life.

As you develop
the habit of trusting
and taking care of yourself,
you will gradually release
your old patterns.

Soon, you notice that your friends,
family, and business associates
all seem to be feeling and acting
differently as well.

People you encounter seem to be dealing
with less serious problems
(or if their problems are serious, they are more quickly healed)
and more creative issues.

Things that previously frightened and upset you
seem to have lost their emotional "charge."

Even the serious problems of the world,
while they still concern you,
may not seem quite as scary as before.

The reason for this shift is that you are beginning
to feel the power of the universe inside of you.

To the degree that you experience
the presence of the universe in your own body,
you don't feel afraid.

Of course, every time you open up to more power,
more of the old fear gets flushed to the surface and released,
so in the healing process you will experience alternating states
of power and fear.

Gradually, however, a solid base of trust
will be established within you.

Others will feel this and in it will find the support
to open up to more of their own power and truth.

The people and things around you reflect you
in increasingly positive ways.

The more light you allow within you,
the brighter the world you live in will be.

(Shakti Gawain, ... from the book, "Living in the Light.")

Be What You Want to Experience

...from Field Training

In the Tao Te Ching, Lao-Tze writes,

“Do you think you can improve the world?

You cannot.

The world is a sacred vessel.”

In many such statements in this remarkable text, Lao-Tze tells us that the way of wisdom opens only to those who approach the world with the willingness to be empty, to follow rather than lead.

“When the sage leads the people to victory,
they say ‘We did it ourselves!’”

The sage does not boast or assert or use force
to make anything happen.

Because “he does not contend, he cannot be beaten.”

He is subtle; he doesn’t brag about how great he is, or take pleasure in the defeats of others. “Victorious in war, he grieves for his fallen enemy.”

He knows that the world is a sacred vessel because it fills up with the consciousness poured into it, which it then re-presents as factual events and conditions.

Trying to change the world, the sage knows, is pure folly—
just as it would be folly

to try to wash one’s face
by scrubbing its reflection in the mirror.

The world changes only when the self changes;
it is an indirect path.

To feel more secure in the world, we have to become secure enough in ourselves to be willing to promote security for others. Rattling sabers will never make us safe.

This applies at every level.

To be prosperous, we must first become generous.

To be closer to people, we first have to be open to them.

Always, consciousness is first.

If this simple and profound principle were understood and practiced by national leaders, the world would enter a new era
of peace, mutual respect, and sanity.

But we need not wait for them.

It is for us to understand and practice it.
Then, without trying, we become leaders.

Now: Think of a situation you’re facing that you’ve been wanting to change. You may be alone and long to be with a partner who will complete you. Perhaps you’re facing a health crisis and want to recover. Or you may be struggling to make ends meet, and want to have more money.

In every case, we suggest that you let go of trying to change the world (conditions).

This means that you would stop trying to find your partner and begin being a partner to yourself; that you would forget about recovering and begin appreciating the ways you are already well; that you would release all worries, strategic thinking, and urgency about making money and start extending yourself generously in the form of whatever currency is available to you: a moment of real listening, a kind word, a gesture of tolerance or forgiveness, an hour of attentive and interested time with your child or a friend.

When you’re loving toward the world, the world reciprocates. It returns your love.

When you’re resting in gratitude for your life and whatever vitality you have, the world notices and increases their measure.

When you give more generously to others, the world gives more generously to you.

This is the way taught by Lao-Tze: to stop trying to make things happen and instead—not strategically,
but solely for the joy and relief of inner agreement—
be what you want to experience.

In this practice, you will discover the power of emptiness and living indirectly, and how all the power of a concerted will cannot even reach the hem of the effortless power of willingness.


What Matters is Your Vibration

It only matters
what you are

It doesn't matter
what anybody else
is doing
with their
it only matters
what you are

You cannot desire something
—and notice that it isn't coming—
without offering two
contradictory vibrations
that won't let it come.



What's the Plan, Stan?

Whatever you're thinking about
is literally like planning
a future event.

When you're worrying,
you are planning.

When you are appreciating,
you are planning.

What are you planning?



Those Button Pushers

Who are the people who seem to be able to push your buttons and send you into a frenzy?

Your spouse?

Your children?

Your parents?

A certain

Your boss?

A neighbor?

I'm talking about the ones who really seem to get to you.

Anyone else might say the same thing
and you are able to blissfully ignore them
and even respond in your most spiritual
and unconditionally loving tone,
"Thank you for sharing."

Obviously those people do not present any threat
to your being an instrument of peace.

It's those button pushers,
the ones who succeed in sending you
into a state of frustration and turmoil
with a simple look of disapproval or a frown,
who are your greatest teachers.

Begin recognizing that all of these people
are your master teachers,

assisting you in being an instrument of peace.

That's right, these are your guides,
and they have much to teach you.

The moments when you think someone else
is causing the disorder and chaos
that you are feeling
are moments to recognize
that that person is allowing you to discover
that you have not yet mastered yourself.

That's right,
you needed a reminder
that you have work to do on yourself
in order to be an instrument of peace.

the state of enlightenment
is a state of being immersed in,
and surrounded by peace.

Anyone whom you have given authority
to remove you from that position
is a reminder to you
of just what you must do
in order to become more peaceful.

In my life,
my wife and children are my greatest teachers.

I call these very special teachers
my soul mates.

Now my definition of a soul mate
is not someone who agrees with you on every issue,
shares the same interests,
and is always attempting
to please you.

I define soul mates as
the ones you love deeply,
but whom you can never get rid of,
who always show up,
and with whom you are
often in disagreement.

These soul mates are
your greatest teachers
because they are
a continuous reminder,
sent by God(dess),
to help you
to master yourself.

So it is tremendously beneficial
if you are aware that these
are people to honor.

My wife is just such a person.

We have been together for many years,
weathering crises together,
but still I can be upset over something
she said
or the tone of voice she may have used.

I know full well that had anyone else said it to me that way,
I would have dismissed it and been at peace instantly.

Yet, with my soul mate,
I am not at peace.

Likewise, I have given my children the same power.

In moments of quiet reflection on my being upset
I realize that once again I have not passed this simple test
the ability to be at peace in the face of my master teachers.

To be an instrument of thy peace you (and I) must be able to radiate outward that which we are inside.

Regardless of what or when we encounter them,
our master teachers are there to help us
to become an instrument of peace.

Someday, gradually to be sure, I will be able to be at peace
even in those moments when my greatest teachers
are doing their very best work!

... from the book, "There's A Spiritual Answer to Every Problem,"
by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer

Your Initial Knee-Jerk Response

Sometimes you walk
into things that,
if you were paying attention,
you would know right from the beginning
that it wasn't what you are wanting.

In most cases,
your initial knee-jerk response
was a pretty good indicator
of how it was going
to turn out later.

The things that give most of you the most grief are those things that initially you had a feeling response about, but then you talked yourself out of it for one reason or another.



Streams of Abundance

Deliberately try to reduce your resistance around the word “money,”
and one way of doing it is to recognize that
everything is flowing to you on this Energy Stream.

There are many things that are of a wonderful nature
that are happening in life

that don’t have anything to do with dollars.

The abundance flows in many more avenues than dollars.

And so,

if you
could focus upon
the gifts
that the
gives you:

When you say “abundance”,
think about it in the abundance of health,

the abundance of vitality, the abundance of clarity,

the abundance of enthusiasm,
the abundance of delicious people in your life,
the abundance of loving letters in your life.

The abundance of
in your

The abundance of
wonderful experiences
in your life…

As you start thinking in terms of this abundance
that doesn’t have anything to do with dollars,
... the abundance relative to the dollars starts flowing, too.


The Gift

The greatest gift you could ever give another

is the gift of your expectation

of their success.



What Are You Talking About?

When you talk about what you want and why you want it,
there's usually less resistance within you
than when you talk about what you want
and how you're going to get it.

When you pose questions you don't have answers for,
like how, where, when, who,...
it sets up a contradictory vibration
that slows everything down.



Creation of Matter

by Seth/Jane Roberts

Seth says that this is something we all do.

"You form the camouflage world or appearances with the same part of you that breathes." Session 23, p.167 , The Early Sessions, Book 1

"The physical world that you recognize is made up of invisible patterns. These patterns are "plastic," in that while they exist, their final form is a matter of probabilities directed by consciousness. Your senses perceive these patterns in their own ways." Session 803, p.29 , The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events

"Emotions, instead of propelling a physical rocket, for example, send thoughts from this interior reality through the barrier between nonphysical and physical into the "objective" world -- no small feat, and one that is constantly repeated." Session 625, p.95 , The Nature of Personal Reality

"The intensity of a feeling or thought or mental image is, therefore, the important element in determining its subsequent physical materialization." Session 525, p.66, Seth Speaks

"The inner senses were always paramount in evolutionary development, being the impetus behind the physical formations; and themselves, through the use of mental enzymes, imprinting the data contained in the mental genes onto the physical camouflage material." Session 26, p.198 , The Early Sessions, Book 1

"Suggestion is no more and no less than an inner willingness and consent to allow a particular action to occur; and this consent is the trigger which sets off the subconscious mechanisms that allow you to construct inner data into physical reality." Session 68, p.215, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"A primary construction is a psychic gestalt, formed into matter by a consciousness of itself. Such a primary construction is an attempt to create, in the world of matter, a replica of the inner psychic construction of the whole self." Session 71, p.239, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Secondary physical constructions are those created by a consciousness of its conception of other consciousnesses, from data received through telepathy and other means." Session 71, p.240, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"In all cases consciousness is first, and it forms its physical constructions according to its abilities, first of all forming its own primary construction, and then brancing outward, constucting secondary images of other ocnsciousnesses with whom it comes in contact." Session 71, p.241, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"These simple remarks will themselves be the basis for further rather involved discussions, as the mechanisms that are set into motion in such mental or psychic manipulation of matter have never really been explained. Remember however that such psychic manipulation of matter is the normal occurrence. It is however usually operating at subconscious levels, and without either knowledge or intent as far as the conscious mind is concerned. To be able to bring these natural but subconscious forces at all under any domination by the conscious mind is a terrific task. Such domination will never be habitual, but conscious awareness of subconscious manipulation of matter may become habitual, and may often of its own accord follow the desires of the conscious mind, if certain conditions are met. First of all, the conscious desires must be in league with, and unopposed by, subconscious expectations. Two, sufficient emotional impetus must be discharged, and this will be on or from subconscious levels. And three, communication between the conscious and subconscious, or the inner and so-called outer parts of the whole self, must be excellent." Session 81, p.305, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Prayer has been extremely successful in enabling individuals to manipulate matter through use of their psychic abilities." Session 81, p.307, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"There are certain points in time and space, therefore, (again in your terms), that are more conducive than others, where both ideas and matter will more be highly charged. Practically speaking, this means that buildings will last longer, in your context, that ideas wedded to form will be relatively eternal. The pyramids, for example, are a case in point." Session 524, p.64, Seth Speaks

"To make this clearer, look at any table in the room before you. It is physical, solid, and you perceive it easily. Now for an analogy, imagine if you can that behind the table is another just like it, but not quite as physical, and behind that one another, and another behind that -- each one more difficult to perceive, fading into invisibility. And in front of the table is a table just like it, only a bit less physical appearing than the "real" table -- it also having a succession of even less physical tables extending outward. And tghe same for each side of the table. Now anything that appears in physical terms also exists in other terms that you do not perceive. You only perceive realities when they achieve a certain "pitch", when they seem to coalesce into matter. But they actually exist, and quite validly at other levels." Session 530, p.87, Seth Speaks

"Emotions then, in their own realm unperceived by the outer senses, have their own solidity, shape, and it is from these that your expectations are formed. The emotions indeed do form the expectations, and it is not the other way around. As physical objects can be manipulated, so can the emotions be manipulated, so can they be combined into various shapes and psychic constructions, A man"s expectations are the result of his emotional heritage, and his own ability to understand and manipulate that heritage." Session 76, p. 275, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Again, expectations are not only vital in the formation of physical constructions, but they also determine what inner data of all available, will be received by the individual; and then the individual interprets the data in terms of the same expectations. The core of individuality, then, is the individual"s expectations, for he will truly get what he wants, individually and collectively. If a man wants to change his fate, desire is not enough, but expectation is. Desire may grow into expectation, but alone it is not enough. Expectation is actually the main trigger that switches inner data into the realm of physical construction. Without it, no physical construction results." Session 76, p.276, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Expectation is the force, then, that triggers psychic realities into physical construction." Session 76, p.276, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Expectations are formed by the emotions then, it is obviously the basic emotions themselves that must be manipulated, since the expectations are the frameworks formed by the emotions. This is the starting point." Session 76, p.277, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"Emotional power behind your expectations powers your expectations into physical reality." Session 76, p.278, The Early Sessions, Book 2

"What you call suggestion is indeed expectation." Session 160, p.70, The Early Sessions, Book 4

"...you construct your physical universe and your private environment in line with your inner expectations, for they mirror perfectly the deepest areas of your own inner reality." Session 253, p.114, The Early Sessions, Book 6

"So your soul, that which you are, constructs your physical daily reality for you from the nature of your thoughts and expectations. You can readily see, therefore how important your subjective feelings really are." Session 527, p.79, Seth Speaks

"We have spoken of expectations. These, you see, are electrical realities which may explain their importance; for you not only sometimes predict so called future events, but you create their actuality within the electrical field, and therefore insure their existence one way or another within the physical field." Session 127, p.240, The Early Sessions, Book 3

"If you direct your inner self with confidence to steer you through your physical existence, it will do so. If you concentrate upon difficulties you will not allow it to do so." Session 220, p.189, The Early Sessions, Book 5

Abraham-Hicks: "68 Seconds of Pure Thought"


There Are Enough Resources For Everyone

...if you have the ability to define it as a desire,
this time/space reality, in which you are focused,
has the ability to yield it to you...

Guest: I'm trying to understand greed.
There are all kinds of statistics that are batted around
about 5% of the population of the world
98% of the world's resources...

Abraham: Here's the thing.
We would quarrel with it a little bit,
but let's accept that it's an accurate statistic.

You're really going to like this:

If 6% of the population were wanting to receive like 5% does,

then the resources would expand to accommodate 6%.

If 10% of them wanted to receive like the 5% does,
the resources would expand to accommodate 10%.

If 100% of the population of your planet wanted to live
like the 5% have already decided that they do,

...the resources of your planet would expand
to accommodate 100%.

So it isn't that the 5% are squandering the resources.
It's that they are asking for what they want -- and are getting it

And the other 95% are belly aching about it,
and holding themselves not in the receiving mode,
and, therefore -- not creating it.

There are enough resources for everyone
to have everything that they want.

So, there is really no such thing as greed?

Abraham: Most people would define greed as
taking more than I need,
or getting more than my fair share.

And we would say to you,
this is a Universe
that has infinite resources

(People quarrel with that, but it is our promise to you that
if you have the ability to define it as a desire,
this time/space reality, in which you are focused,
has the ability to yield it to you, no exceptions.)

Now, whether you're talking about money
or something else,

here's what's at the basis of the shortage thinking:

Most people have this distorted view that there's
just one pile that's being divvied out.

And if I, this rich old bugger, go with my big dump trucks
and I carry away a great big piece of the pile,
then others who show up with their wheelbarrows or tea cups
will be deprived of what they would have gotten,
because the pile would, after all,be drastically diminished
by the hoarding that I have done from my greedy perspective.

And the reason that we wanted to put it in that dramatic way
is because all of that is such hogwash.

When you ask it is always given!

But, as you do not allow yourself to receive,
nobody else gets it

When you think about physical Well-being, do you ever say,
"I've been healthy for so long,
I think I'll be sick for a few years
to let other people be well?"

You understand the resources that you would call clarity
are yours, or not,but you don't say,
"Oh, I've been so confused today,
there must be a really smart person
running around
here somewhere."

The only thing that ever holds anyone apart
from something that they want,
is that they are choosing to focus upon
the lack of what they want,
and therefore they are a vibrational match
to the lack of what they want
-- and therefore that is their reality,
that is their creation.

Here you are, on the same planet that you've been on
for more years than you have the ability to count.

And just in the last 400 years,
look at the difference in your economy.

And it's the same exact planet.

Nobody has been trucking in or piping in any resources.

There are not more resources present today.

You are just vibrationally lining up with the utilization of them.

And, oh, this planet's ability to yield to you:
you have not even scratched the surface of it.

It is a continually replenishing environment.

And you would never be able to get your planet imbalanced
by utilizing more of its resources than it could produce.

It just cannot happen.

So we would go back to your earlier question and say to you,
greed is a non-issue because...it is an impossibility.

It is not possible for someone to get more
than their fair share.
